Book cover

Perfect, Three Cherries by Adam Handling

By Adam Handling

Chef Adam's cocktail book is the epitome of fun. Refined, sophisticated and with a raft of unique recipes, utilising lab equipment, it further underlines his passion for creativity, his adherence to sustainability and his commitment to showcasing the best of the British cocktail scene.


Published December 2022 - Pre-order to reserve your copy  Flexibound

Delivery: UK: £10.00 EU: £20.00 USA: £30.00
Australia/New Zealand: £45.00 Rest of the world:£45.00


Chef Adam's cocktail book is the epitome of fun. Refined, sophisticated and with a raft of unique recipes, utilising lab equipment, it further underlines his passion for creativity, his adherence to sustainability and his commitment to showcasing the best of the British cocktail scene.

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Published December 2022 - Pre-order to reserve your copy Flexibound

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